Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Clay Aiken vs. Kelly Ripa: ROSIE WEIGHS IN

Check out the footage. Says Rosie: "If that was a straight man, if that was a cute man, if that was a guy that she didn't question his sexuality, she would have said a different thing. To me that's a homophobic remark." (This is based on Ripa telling Aiken that she didn't know where his hands had been -- after he suddenly put his hand on her mouth). See, I agree with Rosie about the cute man part -- Brad Pitt can put his hands inside my mouth, or really wherever he wants, no need to ask permission -- but anyone else -- gay, straight or Clay Aiken -- is going to take some heat from me if they stick their hand on my mouth. Ripa phones in to say just that.

Many are saying that Rosie -- intentionally or unintentionally -- "lanced" Clay Aiken (meaning she outed him -- the term comes from Lance Bass being outed by comments his boyfriend made). I mean, I think we're all aware that Aiken's gay, but he seems dead set on staying in the closet, and if anyone crossed the line o' respect in all this, I think it was Rosie.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Kelly and it's not because Clay is probably gay. Most men don't wash their hands after using the bathroom is probably what K was thinking about, it's the first thought that came to my mind....

Anonymous said...

you may want to see this


Anonymous said...

Rosie is a bitch who is always stirring or at least trying to stir up trouble....ratings? or not. She would not want anyone putting their dirty hands across her mouth,no matter who they are!....purely sanitary reasons and that's it! Stop being a trouble maker!