Brit, This is Just Sad. Please Stop.

At a Malibu gas station last night. Kevin Federline is looking like the responsible one now. Does she even know this is happening? Has anyone mentioned to her that her vagina is on the Internet every single day now? This is the third time in a week! Also, something tells me this girl really shouldn't have been driving. This is so sad. BRIT! We were so excited for you!!! We were so hopeful! National goodwill was nearly 100% on your side. You could have done anything with it. But you did this. Why, Britney? Why?
Not the same dress on pic 1 then on nr 3 ? there is a red curve on the stocmach on the first not on the 3..
The red curve on pic #1 is by her boob, not her stomach, which is where you can see it on pic #3.
aah your right my bad
Brit and her ROTTEN SNATCH!
The pics on # 1 and 3# are the same dress
thats her tit in one you see.
Seriously - what is wrong with this girl?? She looked like she was finally smartening up but then spends a week in Vegas getting drunk and flashing. My money says she knows what she's showing and is loving the attention.
Any publicity is good publicity
leave brittnay alone you are all just jelouse of her and her snatch is not rotten yours is you green monster get a life clebs don't care about what you people think your all pathetic
We don't care that celebs don't care what we think. No one cares if Britney~the Skank~Spears reads this or not. A green monster, how do you know that their snatch is a green monster? Are you drunk? When you stick up for people like this it's only because you're just as much of a loser as she.
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