Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Paging Ari Gold

With Britney Spears safely in rehab, there's room for a new superstar in Hollywood, and this guy knows it. He's started the website PagingAriGold.com, a blog dedicated to attracting the attention of fictitious Hollywood super-agent Ari Gold. Googling the term "Ari Gold" produces a sponsored link to his website (although I discovered it while googling Kevin Connolly, so it appears he's branching out). The site has three entries, two of which include his video pleas to Ari and his assistant, Lloyd. I'm fairly certain this guy is joking, in which case it's fabulous (but subtle) humor. If he's not joking, it's even funnier. I've included the videos here.

rolex watches said...

Thank you for your sharing.hope it spreads. Way to go!

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