Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Please Tell Me She Goes the Extra Mile Too

Did you know that before all the "bathroom coke lovin'" went down with Miss USA she lived together with Miss Universe and Miss Teen USA in a posh Manhattan apartment? I didn't either, but I when I die I hope I can go there. See the picture of them above? Ladies, I have imported the finest cocaine to my house. Here's a thought, let's pretend it's a sandy beach and have some crazy wild fun before you're all dethroned (see, this is why Beet brought me in, crude sexual jokes that totally emphasize us men are simple creatures at heart).

Anyway, word is slowly coming out that Miss Teen USA Katie Blair was having naughty fun just like her friend Tara Conner. Only this fun must be even more fun because she's not even allowed to legally drink. **Update** Just found out Miss USA was underage too, so no new taboo there.

Beet, please get us some details using your super secret sources. I have access to money if you need help.

Personal aside, my guess is Miss Universe was the "stay at home and knit" type. There's always one in any group.